VdS HOME – Security for family, house and flat

Under the VdS HOME label, CRENEO is creating a new website for end users on all aspects of security for families, houses and flats.

VdS HOME: Expert tips for more security in your own home

With its VdS HOME service, VdS Schadenverhütung offers valuable advice and information on security-related topics. From burglary and fire to cyber and natural hazards, comprehensive information is provided here. The service is aimed at end consumers and serves as a comprehensive knowledge portal for all aspects of family, house and home security.

By integrating the house into the menu navigation, CRENEO has created an innovative approach to the various subject areas. The visual presentation provides easy access to the wide range of security topics.

VdS HOME not only provides you with important information, but also practical tips on how you can optimally protect your home. An absolute must for anyone who values security!


To the VdS HOME website: This way