The sharpened digital communication channels of Wesselmann Werbung
Initial situation
The brand identity of Wesselmann Werbung has become increasingly differentiated over the years.
This was also reflected on the corporate website. Further digital acquisitions increasingly increased the inconsistent approach to the brand. Also, the user experience of the different digital applications was no longer up to date.
Implementation of the newly defined brand values in the digital channels
The newly developed brand values serve as the basis for the conceptual and visual translation into the digital chan-nels. The strategic positioning, as a traditional company with progressive aspirations, had to be adequately implemented.

High user-friendliness meets a strong and independent appearance
Ordered structures, a high degree of clarity and stimulating communication impulses are the basis for the new visual Wesselmann language within the user interface. The stringent and consistent use of the newly defined design parameters creates a high degree of identity and user-friendliness.
The new corporate website – the contemporary appearance of the market leader
The newly developed website architecture takes into account the company’s core business and offers additional communicative space for the newly defined business areas. All in the spirit of horizontal brand scaling.

The Wesselmann Manager App – simply intuitive
One native app – versatile possibilities. The Wesselmann Manager App functions as a service vehicle. Parties, companies or institutions can use it to quickly and easily communicate sub-optimalities within their communication flight and thus ensure prompt optimisation or problem resolution.