A new portal website for AWO Mittelrhein
Initial situation
The AWO Mittelrhein is one of the largest district associations in Germany. The approximately 21,700 members of the AWO in the Middle Rhine are organised in 184 local associations and 8 district or regional associations.
At the same time, Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bezirksverband Mittelrhein e.V. is also a social enterprise with a large number of subsidiaries. The AWO Mittelrhein also works with regional and international organisations to promote freedom, equality, tolerance, solidarity and justice. Together with its political and corporate partners, social associations, representatives of science and supporters of its campaigns and initiatives, the association demands equal participation.
After a preliminary selection process, CRENEO was commissioned to design and implement a new portal website. The task was to adequately address all interest groups, as well as to generate new members and win over fellow citizens for voluntary activities within the AWO Mittelrhein offers.

Two workshops to develop the AWO Mittelrhein goals
The new appearance should take into account the formal language of AWO, but also clearly stand out from the existing appearances within the segment. An open and inviting look, structured preparation of information and offers, a modern visual language as well as a high performance were objectives. In order to concretise these and other goals and at the same time gain a better understanding of the future direction of AWO Mittelrhein, 2 workshops were held.
The AWO is one of the six umbrella organisations of non-statutory welfare care
The AWO Mittelrhein supports and accompanies people. It stands up for everyone, regardless of generation, nationali-ty, religion or gender. Together with its political and corporate partners, social associations, representatives of science and supporters of its campaigns and initiatives, it demands equal participation. To this end, the AWO Mittelrhein works together with regional and international organisations.
Clear user guidance paired with a modern and independent appearance
Orderly structures, a high degree of clarity and stimulating communication impulses – within the user interface the basis for the new visual AWO Mittelrhein language. Colour coding and clearly structured font hierarchies create a high degree of orientation.
Fresh. Functional. Fast.
The new digital presences of the AWO Mittelrhein convince with a high visual autonomy and an optimal performance.